
Look around you for you are among very special people. Today an Age is closing and a New Age is opening and man is moving into the Golden Age of his consciousness. The souls that are now incarnated on this planet are gaining experience to fix old karmic lines from past lives and present lives to make their aura clean and pure that they may transcend this dimension that many have been trapped in fiere for many thousands of years. Everything that has come into manifestation in your lifetime had to be formed from imagination into idea and then that idea when contemplated and understood became knowledge and beyond the knowledge it took the action of some conscious individual that started that which started in imagination, to start its operation on the physical dimension by assembling those things of the physical dimension that are here to be assembled when seen in imagination. By taking the energies that we get unconditioned through our crown chakra using one of the vibratory rates of our brow chakra called the imagin- ation and another, visualization, and another, inner seeing, our situation-object-circumstance-whatever in the imagination; then bringing that down into an idea of balance, seeing how it fits in balance where the energy then goes from the brow chakra to the throat chakra, then the energy is pulled down further to its application on the physical dimension, it is pulled into the heart chakra. This is the first place that the consciousness can start seeing some vib- ratory rate on the physical dimension. And if they look at the knowledge and if they look around at the circumstances, the avail- ability of supply, they then take action through their own will sending energy then into the will center, at the navel chakra. Then by projecting emotion into it and using the qualities of the instinctive vibrations, the energy then manifests into a physical reality. Something cannot come from nothing. Something always comes from something. The perfect picture is in the paint, but it takes the artist's consciousness to apply the paints to a physical, tangi7ble,


canvas with physical, tangible. paints. With the spirit of his imagination and ideas and by combining those two, he creates a beautiful painting. Everything you have obtained in your life, you have imagined at one time. If you have ever received a gift, even unexpectedly, there was sometime in you, when you thought about receiving a gift, even unexpectedly. This is a very great power to use, transfering of spirit into matter. It is a conscious manifestation of the creative powers of the universe, a thinking, emotional, impulsating cell of that beingness. You are the consciousness that is changing that spirit into matter ah.d matter into spirit. As I burn my incense upon my altar, I take the solid and send it into the spiritual beingness. I disassemble that which is solid; and upon the vibrations of the smoke of my incense, and the heat of my flame, I send my prayers into the spiritual world. But those prayers would find no home if I didn't have an open and pure and unrestricted imagination. Imagin- ation is very strong, and many people get caught on the concept of imagination. But in Astral Physics, we learn to deal with the real- ity of it. Purification of ima-ination is very important if you are to have a smooth, healthy, wealthy, and wise beingness on this planet. You have brought yourself circumstances that were not wholly of your harmony, that is not in complete harmony with you because of your impure imagination. Impurities such as fears, fears of something happening to you and your imagining it is going to happen, a loss of employment or a loss of some article. These impurities of imagination come into manifestation because imagination does not know good or bad.. It is a perfect, balanced beingness. And it is only through man's points of view from his distorted perceptions that he distorts and misuses imagination. Through his ignorance, he misuses his imagination. Through his misguided friends that give him advice that cause imaginings, he distorts this beautiful unconditioned wave of sub- stan,ce that the spiritual world sends constantly to every being. This substance qualifies your physical surroundings and holds you in that position.


if you have ever changed residence, moving form one part of the country to antoher, changed a position, from one job to another, changed a relationship from one set of ideals and circumstances to another, you will now realize within your own consciousness as you sit there, that first you had to imagine it, realize this power. It is the strongest power in the universe. 1/2@,.are waves of imagination and you must be careful when you are using it. There is a very beautiful, pure spiritual unconditioned portion of imagination, a faculty of imagination. Then there, is the lowly, distorted, fantasy at its e@@e@t--a-nd-gr6-s-s-e-s-t state of beingness and there is fantasy at a very high vibration of imagination. There is constructive imagination and creative imagination and there are ninety-six vibrations to this beingness of your spirit body, an expression of your spiritual powers. Imagination is a spiritual power. The proper use of it is only brought into full manifest- ation when it is not used by the ego, and it is used by the soul self or the higher self within. Jesus never hesitated for a.moment to let his imagination flow freely as he gave advice, as he moved spontaneously to satisfy the needs of those who were around him, he took upon himself the cloak of the servant. When you enter the imagination, you too should take this attitude of servitude. Realize that the imagination is your servant and to be One with imagination, you too must be the servant. But realize that that is only one aspect of your beingness and it is not the true you, for the true you is that Divine Spark of the Essence of God that is projected at the inception of the beginning of man's expression as a conscious manifestation of those creative powers. Impure imagination is an enemy unseen one that can distort, one that can detract the good from your life simply by wrong imaginings. Uri Geller and now many many other psychics have learned the power of imagination and have created a direct channel form the lower chakras to the higher chakras and laced their chakras in such a way that they let this energy flow. Now there is no time and there is no space, it is an illusion created by mind to hold you into a position so you transcend this


concept and realize, once you are off this planet that the time system that we have, days, weeks, hours, minutes, years, all these concepts are of no value in this higher and finer vibratory rate of beingness. It is a subtle, very subtle vibration. Start the day and make yourself' a pledge to use your imagination constructively. The powerful uses of levitating objects with the mind, which is use of the imagination, the telekinesis power of bending keys, and sending forth thought projection is used by a strong and controlled, uncond- itioned imagination. To develope your spiritual powers in this area of consciousness of the brow chakra and the insights that are gained by concentrating in that area of the body, in the center of the brow right in the center of your forehead.-You can use this imagination to accelerate and to tune yourself into your spiritual glands., So you use imagin- ation to accelerate imagination. As the Father of all that you see has created a perpetual vibration, so you find the secrets in imagin- ation feeding upon itself. If you place fear into imagination, fear feeds upon itself. and increases its strength. We have all experienced that at one time or another in our life, becoming more and more fearful of something coming closer and closer and happening in your life til then as you think out of a clear blue sky, and it is kind of ironic to look at the throat chakra at this point because it has a vibration of blue on the Rainbow Bridge. Man subconsciously knowing where all his thoughts come from, realize that out of the blue vibration of his throat chakra he gets the idea from imagination at his brow chakra then he knows it in his heart because this is the center of knowing in the heart chakra, the intuitive vibration, the vibration where man's knowledge is tapped into the physical and spiritual worlds into a computerized system that has no mechanical vibrations as we see in the physical manifestation but is a higher vibratory rate of Light. When taking this knowing and projecting into reality by force of will, by force of emotions and then by activating instinctive mind and the physical body into action, has created the fear that was imagined on


the physical dimension, pulls the energy down, down, down, until it is so magnetic that it can't do anything but draw to it, it's like substance. A like attracts a like, birds of a feather flock together. Again the law of attraction and repulsion. Electromagnetics. If you want to seriously change your life, when you go over the Rainbow Bridge and into the White Light and into the pure uncond- itioned area of imagination, see there the self image you want to be. See there your taking on your Christ-like abilities consciousness, your spiritual powers manifesting, health and abundance manifesting in your physical existence, beautiful, friendly relationships, everything in perfect balance with no one's will being subjected or objected over some other being's will. See yourself there in harmony with the Plan of the Creative Source of this Logos, this system that you move within and have your being in that. It is as much you and you are as much it, as that finger upon your hand or the toe upon your foot or the heart that beats with electromagnetic energies, sending the life blood through your beingness. You are one with this Source. We are a source of beingness localized in an individual consciousness and through the use of imagination as a strong meditative tool. as a meditation is a tool, for you are a free spiritual spark of Divine Essence that can transcend this dimension of physical experience and move into higher realms of experience and many of you will. You will soon know the truth of this within your own experience. Believe nothing of what a teacher tells you unless you know the truth within your heart. Does it fit into your cir- cumstances, into the reality that is your life? Then and only then for your soul evolution, for your knowingness and experiencing all things as that spark of consciouness seeking to know itself. The active mind of God taking spirit into matter and matter into spirit. You, that individual sitting there have already taken that f@irst step in consciousness. Many of you I have met before in other life times. Some of you I have just met that have come 6lose to me in many many ways through other teachers and associations in the past of this and the past of many other life times.


Purify imagination. Purify your ideas, purify your knowledge. Ask that God Self within you which is higher than you to send down the energy that you need to manifest these powers, these il- luminations that you want to shine into this physical dimension and express. There is no one-two-three steps to developing spiritual powers. It takes a strong desire and strong practice and strong purification on the part of the individual in order to let these powers flow. Purification whether temporary or lasting is purification, for it is. Start realizing everything in its absolute form and it's absolute vibration. And then you will see how through degrees of compromise, we have distorted imagination in mind. Oh, the love of God and the Masters go to all of you. Know that, that they are there guiding you as elder brothers into a higher reality. As this Golden Age manifests many will be opened again and given in love, truth, and wisdom these powers of the psyche. Twenty years from now if an individual does not have one or more of these powers developed within his consciusness it will be looked at as,,Rn oddity among the mass of humanity. As the Aborigeny is looked at as an oddity so those three dimensional beingnesses will look in that same light, a dimmer light of Reality. Everything is as perfect and in balance as it can be. Every- thing is in perfect harmony. Everything is exactly balancing as it should. When you look from the will center, the naval chakra, or from the spleen, the emotional chakra or from the instinctive mind and physical senses, the root chakra, there you are impure and only half in balance. Without the blending and balancing of the three higher chakras, the throat, the brow and the crown, using the heart chakra as the blending force. In much simpler terms I will say this, the merging of the lower and higher self, the merging of the mal-personality, the mistakes, the misconcepts, the misunderstandings of that personality, the ignorance of that personality, and then you add the all knowing, the perfect balanced, the perfect insight, the perfect pure imagination of the God Self, the Love, Truth, and the Wisdom in their unconditional state of beingness. When that blending


takes place, you have set forth on wings so powerful that flight through dimensions now unknown will be made possible to you. Caring for one another stimulates the hearf-chakra that causes that blending. But through distorted views in imagination, one can build a shield around his heart, a shield that is almost impregnable and many times people make this impregnable shidld. An impregnable heart can not be taken, only surrendered. Watch as they talk to you and fold their arms over their heart as a protective vibration, defensive reaction protecting their patterns of knowingness for in the heart is the intuitional bank of knowledge of the individual. He pulls from his auric vibration around him, the thought strata, through that heart center that gives him the knowingness. Some of the chants that we do send your attention to these various areas of consciousness. When you are praying to the God Self, you are sending awareness through the Crown Chakra. When you are praying to the soul self you are sending energy to the Heart of Brow Chakra, depending on your state 6f evolution. When you are blending the forces of your higher and lower triad in the way of love, spiritual, seen and unseen, manifested and unmanifested, in a pure golden vibration, you are sending forth such a force that it magne- tizes to you all those things that you want in your lifetime. You are here to express yourself, you are here to learn and to be one with all that is around you. But if your consciousness is centered toward your ego, and you are saying I, mine, and me, then isolating yourself from all other things, then how can you ever accept the reality that you have nothing coming for you have localized yourself and isolated yourself from that very substance that can give you everything. When you use your imagination in service, if you wish service to come to you, use .your imagination in love, if you want love to come to you. Use your imagination with-wisdom, if you wish wisdom to come to you. I give you keys to open doors to vast areas of consciousness, but you must turn the lock. I hand you these keys on platters of silver, but you must take them up in hands of flesh and put them into locks of steel and turn them to open those thick doors of darkness that separate you from light. You open those doors with imagination.


At first it must seem like you are pretending for that is the way imagination works. It is a fine, fine, fine vibration but as you imagine it over and over and over again., you draw the substance around you that you need to bring that imaginary pretending into a manifestation on a lower dimension. Whether it be a good habit of mind or a beautiful expression of emotions, or whether it be a table, a chair or a painting, or anything else on the physical dimension that you see around VOU. When you purify imagaination, you seek not to overcome other people's will or to make them do this or that for you. You do not take that imagination and misuse that power to try to accumulate and hoard more than you can possible use. Imagination will work against you, because of your own distortion. We realize that imagination does not have any attitude or personality. Imagination is a tool that you are using. If you are looking into imagination with emotional eyes, then that is you looking into that imagination. It is pure and beautiful. If preten- ding is a very powerful part of stimulating that imagination to bring you the things that you desire to bring in to your life. You need not rely on anyone else for your security or substance or any other expression, thing or condition in your lifetime if you purify and use your imagination without fear or doubt and without requalifications of a perfect and beautiful plan that you wishto bring into manifestation. Many people take and neutralize their own plans, their own beautiful plans of expression that is their to express, by demagnetizing it through doubts and fear and sharing with a trusted friend whose imagination isn't pure either, whose imagings are just as strong as yours for you are using the same area of thought strata, the imaginary wave. For imagination is just as mind is and you are the free floating awareness that uses those expressions. Realize your individuality, but realize the extent of your freedom and realize how through imagination you have shackled the higher self, the best that is in you, by imagining "that you@.are not good enough" or, "you are too good for it" or, "you don't know about it" or you let others be your imaginings. Take hold of this faculty of consciousness and control it. Purify imagination.


As I am recording this, I am imagining all of you there happy, healthy, beautiful, balanced, teceiving the abundance of life, receiving the abundances of health in your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, experiencing the wealth in those bodies, and seeing you in perfect balance and harmony, full of bliss, full of truth and wisdom and love for I love each and every one of you with my soul and my spirit and I see this all in my imagination for that is where the pictures are cast. And that is the truth of ima- gination. Use your imagination to help others. If you have a friend that is ill, instead of wasting that imagination on fear and doubt, use that most precious and fine energy, the subtle plan of man, to see that person in perfect health, sending them a ray of energy, the curing Rays, Fire Orange, Green Light, Violet Fire, Golden translucents, or pure White Light, to surround them and bring them back into balance. Send them a ray of violet fire that they may transmute their negativity and that violet fire will stimulate the violet fire that is around them. As you use your Rainbow Bridge in your imagination, it is becom- ing stronger and stronger and stronger, as anything that you have accomplished in life. It takes time to transfer the attention units in your awareness to that area of consciousness in control and balance. Nothing is going to get you. Nothing is going to sneak in and tell you how to use,your imagination or VISUALIZED PRAYER. For you are the one who is in control of all that. You are the center of the universe, the dot in the center of the circle. You are that realization of the source expressing itself. Know this and know that your powers will be illumined and are being illumined by that source as a Son or Daughter of God, is God any less a Father than the fathers of earth as they give to their sons and daughters as they give to their child- ren, Love, Truth, and Understanding? We use the male, idea of things and expressions many times, but remember the ignorance of the language and the ignorance of time for the female is just as powerful as any male and that they are both of like faculties beyond this physical expression of male and female which was put here for propagation of thb species, a


perpetual, to keep life moving on and on and on, that holds the seeds of its own destructiveness within its own consciousness due to separating itself. But whether you are a male or female, within you there is a male or a female. Within every man there is a female. Within every woman there is a man. Realize this reality and balance that polarity within you, the passive and aggressive wave and do it with VISUAzl-ZED PRAYER. Balance yourself in time, no longer dwelling upon the past for it is a conditioned reaction that has no way of being changed by your consciousness. It is conditioned,it is past, it is substance that has been used in form and you are a conscious every changing, changing, but never @ging beingness moving through the substance of time and the substance of the unmanifested beyond time. As you center in the Here and Now you pull those attention units and energy that are going to the past and center them in that changing, ever changing, but never ch gini-, a whole variety. A spectrum of light opens up to your consciousness, shines into the ignorance of your beingness and sets you free as that conscious expression of those creative powers. Imagine it. Imagine it and know it, and get the idea of it and know it and bring it into physical reality. If you are selling something, if you are servicing something, if you are creating something, no matter what walk of life you are in, your imagination can make that the heaven on earth that you have heard so much about, for now it is the Golden Age and this is beyond imagination. This is the Law of Cycles. It is beyond imag- ination, for as above so below. The law of the higher plane, those laws of the higher dimensions of beingness, those finer substances control those planes below. Just look at what you could accomplish by controlling your imagination. You would have control over the idea. You would have control over knowingness. You would have control over action. You would have control over deeds. You would have control over mind. You would have control over emotions. You would have control over your physical beingness if you would but purify and control imagina- tion. Nothing else but that. Try it for ten days in your life and watch the changes. But remember, the mental waves move at a faster


vibration that the physical so it takes long imaginings. Don't demagnetize by asking for support outside of yourself, call upon the creative force that is within you. Stand on your own spine of light. Keep tall and straight and let the energies flow from the true personality , the @e gel-f. which is above your h6ad in another Chakra vibration. The energies from the Over-Soul, the presence of I AM, the light which flows through an unconditioned energy into a spiritual form and let that energy move into imagination. You are a system of many triads and I have just given you the secrets. First we are learning how to blend the first two triads: the physical, emotional, and mental bodies with the soul, spirit energy and light. The-key is seven, the key of change. Six is the6lending of that higher and lower self to make the beautiful six pointed star. Work for the purification of that imagination and see yourself with a finished product that you are creating there in VISUALIZED PRAYER. If you wish to be successful, see yourself there being success- ful. See yourself there in TISUALIZED PRAYER and imagine what it would be like. What would it feel like. Imagine what it would think like. Imagine what you would act like, for you are the actors on the great stage of life. You are playing many games. Purify your imagination. You could say that is cleaning up the act, so to speak. Purify imagination and reap the benefits of that. One can often help call the changes needed, seeking that clear mountain creek, so to speak, by exploring himself more consciously and exposing himself more consciously to the creative powers. As it is to discover these creative powers within you, we find them through various forms of art, music, dancing, writing as well as through nature and work, through personal relationships and wor@hip. It is up to each person to find the way to his own creativity, to explore and to experiment and to recognize the relations of self exploration with the whole of the religious processes and the processes of society and of man. Start the day with some kind of expression of art form* to control imagination. Nothing can be brought into manifestation unless there is some kind of action taking place. Expose yourself more to these

Art form we use in singing and chanting.


creative processes , the unconditional. creative processes from a creative source through your VISUALIZED PRAYER an expression in art, poetry, music, or various other forms. See it in nature. Use your VISUALIZED PRAYER to better your work, your working position whatever it may be. These glimpses that are being given to you here in some ways to help you cultivate a real awareness. You would not be reading this if you did not wish to expand your con- sciousness, to be in control of higher knowledge. Jesus says: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and soul.11 Control the ability that one achieves in fulfilling the whole of the love's greatest trinity, Love of God, Love of Self and Love of neighbor. These words are strongin the spititual teachings but look at your VISUALIZED PRAYER that creative expression of God. Purify it and let the love of God, the love of Self and the love of neighbors come into an expression of some form that will purify imagination. Give it all of your strength, all of your mind, all of your heart and all of your soul. Give it the full strength that you want it to give you. Don't ever let a negative charge pass through VISUALIZED PRAYER. Be one-pointed in that kind of commitment. Don't ever let things happen. Use every defensive reectionto prevent it for as we realize there is a duality,in this existence, there are good defensive reactions and there are bad defensive reactions. There are good conditioned reactions and there are bad conditioned reactions. There is positive and negative and male and female and the picture is always before it. Balance and purify imagination. Balance and use VISUALIZED PRAYER.