Mysterious Meditation Process---we go over the reg rbb then gold ray then white then golden flame then pure clear white fire light then clear crystal fire light. to clear seeing. then sublimenal instrutions- then tat chants hue. then you do a visualization as you want to be. this takes you to 10 minutes into the meditation process taking to a golden white structure. from then on you are visualizing the way and what you want to be.your are doing the visualization for 8 and one half minutes doing that time Tat plays different sound to invoke color for manifesting your vision. In the crystal you are making your vision manifesting the vision you just created.Tat invokes the powers of the Masters of light for helping you manifest your vision.We thank the mother / father God for giving blessing to your vision.You are to feel the vision conplete now. Then you put a shield around you to protect your vision.

When you are ready to do the process click on the link below.

Link to play the Meditation Process