Science of the WORD

Experienced Knowledge is Wisdom














More to Come




God is the only power.
I am a sound Christ mind, in a sound Christ body, doing sound Christ works.
I am upheld and sustained by the strength of Almighty God.
I am the open channel through which the healing currents of life are now flowing.
God is my life, God is my health, God is my supply, In God is my trust.
I am alive with the life of God, and upheld by His free spirit forever.
I am the child of God, expressing Divine Harmony,
in all ways, in all things, at all times.
I am God's perfect child. I radiate Divine health.
God in the midst of me is mighty to quicken to strengthen,
to heal, to vitalize, to renew, to make whole.
All is Divine harmony, joy, gladness, delight.
I sing for joy! I abide in peace! I go forth in Infinite Wisdom.
A mighty God-power wells up in my being, purifying, vitalizing, energizing, rebuilding, renewing, reconstructing, healing instantly and forever.
God's life in me is heavenly peace.
I feel the Peace of God. (Strength), (Joy).

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There is only one Power all good and true,
everywhere evenly present and instantly available.
All things work together for good.
For with God, all things are instantly possible.
Everything works perfectly, divinely, being governed by God,
The Principle of law and order.
I declare the law and order of God made manifest instantly.
Man is always helping his fellow man, forever expressing Divine Love,
for he is in Christ, and hid with Christ in God.
All is done instantly, because God is the only power and the only cause.
All things unfold evenly, easily, smoothly, in perfect sequence,
in Divine Law and Order.
Love overcomes all things. Love never fails.
Love is the fulfilling of the law. Perfect Love casts out fear.
Divine Love in me is an irresistible Power creating good for me instantly.
God in me is my instant and everlasting Help. (Purity), (Satisfaction).
I am keen, vital, alert in the activity of God.
I am forever undisturbed.

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I will be still and know the truth of God.
All is Infinite wealth; supplying man instantly with all that he needs.
It is my Divine business to receive constantly and perpetually.
My supply is commensurate with the grandeur of my thought.
God's activity for me is instant, complete and sustained.
All God's channels are open and flowing for me now.
I am joyously and vitally open and receptive to my good.
Supply is omnipresent and unlimited, and is always where I am, fulfilling what I need.
Wealth, plenty, riches, pouring, pouring, pouring, full measure,
pressed down, shaken together, running over, and the overflow blessing the world.
I know my supply inflows; I am joyously expecting it; I accept its Divine reality.
All supply comes easily, constantly, steadily;
in all ways, at all times, under all conditions.
The best in myself for the world, and the best in the world for myself.

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I realize my oneness with God.
All is infinite unity; all is Divine Oneness,
demonstrating to man instantly, all that is his.
Whoever thinks of me thinks of God, Divine Love.
I am God's perfect child. I am glad, happy, joy bringing.
The joy of the Lord is a well-spring within me,
and I am established in instant results.
All things respond to the call of rejoicing, all things gather where life is a song.
I am filled and thrilled with infinite joy.
Delight thyself in the Lord and He shall give thee the desire of thy heart.
Firm praise surely manifests finished works which endure forever and perish not.
For the Divine Good that is in you, I praise you, and praise you, and praise you.
I am God's perfect child. I am victorious, undaunted, a bringer of good.
The word of God in me is instant and powerful and it always works.
I have a mighty faith in the power of God.

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I know Truth, I love Truth, I rejoice in Truth, for God is Truth.
I instantly know all that I need and I use it.
I am the illumined child of God, filled with the Spirit of Divine Love and Wisdom
by which I am guided in all my ways, and led into that which is for my highest good.
I glorify God through Divine Radiation.
I am Spirit, I radiate Divine Light.
I rejoice, give thanks and am glad.
I am self-conscious in God.
I am enlightened by the Light of Almighty God.
I clothe myself safely round with Infinite Love and Wisdom.
I clothe myself safely around with radiant Christ Light.
Whoever contacts me has a Shock of instant Christ awakening.
A mighty God power goes before me, making easy and instant and perfect my way.
I will relax me down in peace and sleep,
for my Watcher maketh me to dwell in safety.

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I clothe myself safely round with the armor of Light,
Infinite Love, Infinite Wisdom, Infinite Power.
I am Almighty God's innocent, useful and prosperous child, and there are none in all this universe to think or speak or act against me, but for me now and forever more.
I am God's perfect child. I am free, I am free, I am free.
I am free, you are free.
I am free, and I give freedom.
I rest in God, for embracing me are his everlasting arms.
I have a passionate delight in doing what is right.
I am a Prince of Peace,
sitting on the throne of poise, directing my kingdom of activity.

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God's Life for me is Free, Clear, Normal.
God's ways for me are Free, Easy, Perfect.
I feel New, Fresh, Vital.
God's adjustment for me is Quick, Easy, Instant.
Glad, Glad, Glad.
Happy, Happy, Happy.
Glad, Happy, Joyous.
Glad, Happy, Joyous.
Glad, Happy, Joyous.
Joyous, Joyous, Joyous.
Glad, Happy, Joyous.

Concerning the works of my hands command ye Me!
It is easy, because the Father Indwelling, He doeth the work.

Glad Happy Joyous
Health Strength Comfort
Free Easy Perfect
Peace Calm Poise
Clear Conscious Knowing
True Wise Noble
Quick Easy Instant
New Fresh Vital
Wealth Plenty Riches
Youth Beauty Joy
True Right Just
Cool Free Perfect
Pure Clean Holy
Free Clear Normal
Whole Sound Perfect
Faith Trust Joy
True Master Knowing
See! Hear! Know!
Peace Ease Rest
Strength Power Peace
Keen Vital Alert
Alive Alight Aglow
Light Easy Buoyant
Love Truth Honor
Full Free Flowing
Cool Poised Radiant Love Peace Freedom
Love Praise Thanks
Love Wisdom Power
Instant Glorious Perfect
Thankful Grateful Glad
Faith Joy Courage.

Indwelling Mind, my part of God, given me for the very purpose of demonstrating - you see to it for me, that this perfect idea (name it), I am giving you, is brought forth as an actual demonstration for me.
I charge you, Indwelling Mind, with this demonstration, that it is manifested instantly, gloriously, perfectly, in complete satisfaction and
eep delight.

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All things respond to the call of rejoicing.
All things gather where life is a song.

To be pleased - yet poised.
To be gay - yet calm.
To be delighted - yet serene.
To be exhilarated - yet tranquil.
To be animated - yet still within.
To be happy - and yet have interior quiet.
To be full of joy - and deep peace.
To rejoice with my whole heart - and yet express self-control.

Joy, Gladness, Delight, Pleasure, Felicity, Rapture, Gaiety, Bliss, Exaltation, Ecstasy, Cheerfulness, Good Nature, Good Humor, Happiness.

To visualize myself as typifying "joy."
Having my face animated, smiling - and yet peaceful.
Having my eyes enraptured with happiness - sparkling.
Having my voice full of felicity.
Having my carriage firm, erect, expressing exaltation.
Having my step elastic and buoyant - yet poised.
To feel singing delight.
Having my whole being show the serene rapture and welling up of joy in my soul.

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Be still and know

To have deep poise - harmony.
To be calm - and deeply happy.
To be full of peace - and yet radiate joy.
To be tranquil - and glad.
To be serene - and have unfailing good will.
To be deliberate - and considerate.
To be unhurried.
To utterly ignore the unpleasant.
To be indifferent to all that is annoying.
To have great confidence.
To be full of deep trust.
To feel absolute assurance.
To have true balance.
To be ballasted.
To have sound common sense.
To use good judgment.
To be rested and restful in achieving.
To have perfect freedom.
To be freely open to the best - closed to the undesirable.

Peace, Calmness, Serenity, Stillness, Quiet, Reliance, Balance, Poise, Tranquility, Confidence, Assurance, Trust, Efficiency, Steadfastness, Safety.

To have keen sense of true proportion.
To have right perspective.
To understand relative values.
To have a clear, intelligent grasp of every situation.
To be cool, steady, constant, dependable, inspiring.

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To have dynamic efficiency.
To have strong, forceful efficiency.
To have splendid ability.
To have ability with power and effectiveness.
To have ability to do things, to accomplish results.
To have a keen mind, alert, progressive, wide-awake,
clear, open, keen to grasp and understand.
To think clearly, reason logically, dynamically, constructively, positively.
To discern clearly and wisely between the essential and the non-essential
To have ability to speak and write forcefully, clearly, convincingly, effectively.
To have a memory, strong, prompt, retentive, clear, exact, dependable, easy.
To have splendid analytical power, splendid judgment, good sound sense.
To have ability to market this dynamic efficiency.
To inspire others with this power, effectiveness, ability, and strength.
To think of success in terms of efficiency.
To meet people, to be one among them, to be a good harmonizer.
To have poise, reserve force, level-headedness.
To emphasize a deliberate, keen, accurate outlook on affairs.
To always be accurate.
To be absolutely dependable.
To be absolutely correct in my judgment.
To have a powerfully keen sense of proportion.
To have a powerfully keen sense of relative values.
To have a deep, powerful confidence in myself.
To obtain and retain an absolutely correct perspective.

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The Power of God to guide me.
The Might of God to uphold me.
The Wisdom of God to teach me.
The Eye of God to watch over me.
The Ear of God to hear me.
The Word of God to speak for me.
The Hand of God to protect me.
The Way of God to lie before me.
The Shield of God to shelter me.
The Host of God to defend me.

CHRIST, with me, CHRIST before me
CHRIST behind me, CHRIST within me.
CHRIST beneath me, CHRIST above me.
CHRIST at my right, CHRIST at my left.
CHRIST in breadth, in length, in height.
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me.
Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks to me.
Christ in the eye of every man who sees me.
Christ in the ear of every man who hears me.


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To realize that every demonstration is the result of thinking.
To know that every time I think, I open a channel for expression.
To realize that constructive thinking is right imaging.
To know definitely what I want.
To think only that which I wish to manifest.
To remember that perfect thoughts produce perfect demonstrations.
To see myself as already in the desired condition.
To make the thought clear, distinct, vivid - a picture.
To make the thought a moving one - an acting one.
To dramatize my demonstration.
To rehearse it mentally.

To REMEMBER it is INTELLIGENT REPETITION of the SAME IDEA on the same mind that brings the awakening in the form of demonstration.
To remember that the Indwelling Power does the work.
To realize that the Outer Mind decides; the Inner Mind expresses - does the work.
To have faith in the "I am that I am."
To understand the law of demonstration.
To use the law in a very matter-of-fact way.
To have heroic persistence and perseverance in using it.
To live it always.

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Joy, Joy, Joy,
My heart with love is singing.
Joy, Joy, Joy,
No mortal can destroy.
My heart's a little heaven,
The spirit is the leaven,
My heart is bubbling over
With Joy, Joy, Joy.

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INDWELLING MIND, you see to it for me that I know and know that I know that I am Spirit, one with all Spirit; that I am fully conscious of this: morning, noon and night; waking, sleeping; working, playing; active, passive; in daylight or darkness; alone or with others; at home or abroad; on land, or sea, or air; always, steady, unbroken consciousness.

INDWELLING MIND, you see to it for me that I know the Truth, the Whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth, true before God and practical to man, always and forever.

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To be ever conscious of my unity with God.
To listen for His Voice and hear no other call.
To behold but truth in all my thoughts of man,
And see him only as my Father's image.
To show Him reverence and share with Him my holiest treasures.
To keep my mental home a sacred place, Golden with gratitude,
Redolent with love, White with purity, cleansed in the flesh.
To send only such thought into the world as will bless and cheer, Heal and purify . . .
To have but one aim -
To make this earth a fairer, holier place . . .
And to rise each day into the
Fullest sense of Life and Love.

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