The Hiways in Light

The following are other Rainbow Bridge Meditations to arc you to other areas of consciousness. Each has its own power and attunement. (P) is for Planetary powers. (S) is for Solar Powers which are universal.

1. RAINBOW BRIDGE - Planetary(P): This is the Basic Bridge in the Planetary Logo.
Red - Orange - Yellow - Green - Blue - Indigo - Violet - Gold - White

2. RAINBOW BRIDGE - Solar(S): This is the Solar System Bridge in the Solar Logo.
Blue - Gold - Pink - White - Green - Golden Ruby - Violet - Gold - White
*Other Applications to attune to are: the Master, Angelic Host, Elohim, Cosmic Powers and New Age Light. This is done by concentrating on the level of focus such as the Masters, Angels ect.*

3. WISDOM RAINBOW BRIDGE - (P): Gold over each color for the Wisdom and Mastery in that RAY.

4. WISDOM RAINBOW BRIDGE - (S): Gold over each color for the Wisdom and Mastery in that RAY.

5. PSYCHIC PLANETARY RAINBOW BRIDGE - (P): Silver over each color for the Psychic Power and Mastery in that RAY.

6. PSYCHIC SOLAR RAINBOW BRIDGE - (S): Silver over each color for the Psychic Power and Mastery in that RAY.

7. SPIRIT PLANETARY RAINBOW BRIDGE - (P):Crystal Fire Light over each color for the Spiritual Powers and Mastery in that RAY.

8. SPIRIT SOLAR RAINBOW BRIDGE - (S): Crystal Fire Light over each color for the Spiritual Powers and Mastery in that RAY.

9. GOD Planetary RAINBOW BRIDGE - (P): Still Translucent Light over each color for the God Consciousness and Mastery in that RAY.

10. GOD SOLAR RAINBOW BRIDGE - (S): Still Translucent Light over each color for the God Consciousness and Mastery in that RAY.

11. RED RAINBOW BRIDGE - (P): From dense Red to the finest light Red for the Physical Plane; the elementals, health, virility, physical power, sexual, potency, courage and Mastery on all its levels in that RAY.
*Visualize from Black to White.*

12. RED RAINBOW BRIDGE - (S): From dense Red to the finest light Red for the Physical Plane; the elementals, health, security, virility, physical power and Solar Mastery on all its levels in that RAY.
*Between Planetary and Solar Bridge there is an Octave of Light.*

13. ORANGE RAINBOW BRIDGE - (P): From dense dark Orange to the finest light Orange for the Astral Plane of Emotional Consciousness, dreams, desires, sub conscious mind, astral travel, social powers, habits, conditioned reaction, inherited tendencies and Mastery on all its levels in that RAY.

Note: there is no Solar Orange, Pink is the solar level of Emotion etc.

14. PINK RAINBOW BRIDGE - (S): From dense Pink to the finest light Pink for the Spiritual Emotional Consciousness, love, affection, devotion, adoration and Mastery in all levels of that RAY.
*An octave above Planetary Orange.*

15. YELLOW RAINBOW BRIDGE - (P): From dense Yellow to the finest light Yellow for the Mental Consciousness, goals, morals, values, reason, intellect, and Mastery in all levels of that RAY.

16. YELLOW RAINBOW BRIDGE - (S): From dense Yellow to the finest light Yellow for the Mental Consciousness and Mastery in all levels of that RAY.
*An octave above Planetary Yellow.*

17. GREEN RAINBOW BRIDGE - (P): From dense Green to the finest light Green for the Environmental Consciousness, knowledge, psychic power, nature, abundance, good fortune and Mastery in all levels of that RAY.

18. GREEN RAINBOW BRIDGE - (S): From dense Green to the finest light Green for the Environmental Consciousness and Mastery in all levels of that RAY.
*An octave above Planetary Green.*

19. BLUE RAINBOW BRIDGE - (P): From dense Blue to the finest light Blue for the Higher Mental Consciousness, creative power, prosperity, belief, talent, ideal, peace, Mediumship and Mastery in all levels of that Ray.

20. BLUE RAINBOW BRIDGE - (S): From dense Blue to the finest light Blue for the Mental Consciousness and Mastery in all levels of that RAY.
*An octave above Planetary Blue.*

21. INDIGO RAINBOW BRIDGE - (P): From dense Indigo to the finest light Indigo for the Super Consciousness, unity, aura perception, reading the akashic record, spiritual individuality, financial and stock market success, Mystic Power and Mastery in all levels of that RAY.

22. INDIGO RAINBOW BRIDGE - (S): From dense Indigo to the finest light Indigo for the Super Consciousness, Mystic Power, Universal Power and Mastery in all levels of that RAY.
*An octave above Planetary Indigo.*

23. VIOLET RAINBOW BRIDGE - (P): From dense Violet to the finest light Violet for the Cosmic Consciousness, ritual, ceremonial magic, alchemy and Mastery in all levels of that RAY.

24. VIOLET RAINBOW BRIDGE - (S): From dense dark Violet to the finest light Violet for the Cosmic Consciousness and Mastery in all levels of that RAY.
*An octave above Planetary Violet*

25. GOLD RAINBOW BRIDGE - (P): From dense dark Gold to the finest light Gold for the Master Consciousness, realization, liberation, purpose, law and Mastery in all levels of that RAY.

26. GOLD RAINBOW BRIDGE - (S): From dense dark Gold to the finest light Gold for the Master Consciousness and Mastery in all levels of that RAY.
*An octave above Planetary Gold*

27. WHITE RAINBOW BRIDGE - (P): From dense White to the finest light White for the Christ Consciousness, transcendental consciousness and Mastery in all levels of that RAY.

28. WHITE RAINBOW BRIDGE - (S): From dense White to the finest light White for the Christ Consciousness and Mastery in all levels of that RAY.
*An octave above Planetary White*

29. BLACK RAINBOW BRIDGE - (P): From dense dark Black to the finest light Black for the Void Consciousness, power to see the hidden and Mastery in all levels of that RAY.

Note: One must be very careful when using this bridge. One should not use it until they are at the Gold Level or above and then only under the supervision of a Master. If one is not strong in God this Bridge could overwhelm the one using it.

30. BLACK RAINBOW BRIDGE - (S): From dense dark Black to the finest light Black for the Mastery of the illusion, Clarity of the illusion and Mastery in all levels of that RAY.

31. CRYSTAL RAINBOW BRIDGE - (P): From dense Crystal to the finest light Crystal for the Mastery of the illusion and reality, spiritual gifts and powers from the Holy Spirit of God, Eternal powers and Mastery in all levels of that RAY.

32. CRYSTAL RAINBOW BRIDGE - (S): From dense Crystal to the finest light Crystal for the Mastery of the illusion and reality, spiritual gifts and powers from the Holy Spirit of God, Eternal powers and Mastery in all Spiritual levels of that RAY. One is in the Holy Breath of Life
*A quantum above Planetary*

33. ASTRAL PHYSICS RAINBOW BRIDGE: This Bridge is an inner dimensional Bridge for the Astral Physics Students, Ministers, Healers and Teachers. It bestows Spiritual Mystic Powers.
Magenta - Turquoise - Purple - Gold - Cosmic White - Mother of Pearl Opalescence -Black Diamond - White Diamond - Pure Light - Still Light - One with GOD

34. PRANA RAINBOW BRIDGE: This Bridge attunes one to the Vital Force Energy and Light. Vital Force is also known as Life Force, Manna and Spiritual Nourishment. Sometimes when one is gazing into the ether, the perception of vital force appears as little specks of colored light dust.
Orange - Rose - Green - Yellow - Light Blue - Dark Blue - Violet - Gold - White - Crystal - Pure Consciousness - Still Light - One with GOD

35. SOUND RAINBOW BRIDGE: When it is very Quiet one can hear a 'ringing' in the ears. This sound is an inner sound call the Nadam (sound moving inward and Nada sound moving outward). This inner sound has different levels when concentrated in a Chakra. The colors of this bridge is seen when one is at that level of consciousness, being in a particular Chakra or in that field of consciousness of that Chakra.
Blue Violet - Red - Violet - Orange & Gold - Green - Silver Blue - White - Gold - Crystal - Pure Consciousness - Still Light - One with GOD

36. ETHERIC RAINBOW BRIDGE: The Chemical radiations, the Heat, the Life and Light of the physical object give off an etheric emanation. As One's clairvoyance is awakened One can see the etheric around the bodies on the physical plane which include , naturally the Human Body. This is also known as the *CHAKRA RAINBOW BRIDGE because the Chakras are etheric and when gazing upon these colors can be perceived.
1st Red & Orange 2nd Red,Orange,Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet 3rd Red & Green 4th Golden Glowing 5th Silvery Blue & Green 6th Rose,Yellow (left side) Purplish Blue & Violet (right side) 7th Violet and indigo 8th Gold 9th White Crystal 10th - Pure Consciousness 11th - Still Light - 12th One with GOD

37. RAINBOW BRIDGE for CHANNELS: The Violet and Indigo Rays are switched to produce a different set of vibrations. One is attuning to the freedom at the brow chakra and unity at the crown chakra.
Red - Orange - Yellow - Green - Blue - Violet - Indigo - Gold - White -Crystal - Pure Light - Pure Consciousness - Still Light - One with GOD - Beyond Light

38. COSMIC BRIDGE: These colors are metallic looking and are not seen with physical eyes. The closest colors to this bridge is when sun light shines on oily water, but this can in no way describe the depth, richness and movement in these colors. This bridge is reached when One is in transcendental consciousness and out in the Body of Light.

39. ASTRAL LIGHT RAINBOW BRIDGE: This bridge is all pastel colors of the Rainbow Bridge. it takes you to the positive side of the Astral Plane of disincarnated Astral Beings. This Plane runs parallel to the Physical Plane in the fourth dimension.

40. HIDDEN MASTER BRIDGE: This Bridge is taken after one goes over the the Solar Rainbow Bridge:
Turquoise-Indigo-Rose-Light Green-Dark Green-Golden Rose Violet-Blue Violet - Translucent Gold, Clear Crystal Fire Light

41. HIDDEN POWERS RAINBOW BRIDGE (P): The Color Rays of this Bridge are the arcing light between the Planetary Rays. These Rays bridge the transformation power of the Rainbow Bridge in the Unified Field of Consciousness.
Pink - Fire Orange - Saffron - Chartreuse - Turquoise - Blue Violet - Violet Indigo - Gold Indigo - Gold White - White Crystal - Pure Consciousness - Still Light - One with GOD - Beyond Light

42. ASTRAL PHYSICS' HIDDEN RAINBOW BRIDGE: This Bridge releases the Spiritual Mystic Light into the Spirit, Mind, and Aura of the Astral Physics Student. It will not work if one is not on the Spiritual Path.
Crystal Purple - Purple - Light Purple - Gold Purple - Gold White - White Mother of Pearl - Mother of Pearl Opalescence - Black Opalescence - Crystal Clear Diamond - Pure Consciousness - Still Light - One with GOD - Beyond Light

43. FIRE LIGHT Rainbow Bridge: Over All Rainbow Bridges the Fire Light releases the Spirits in the Rays to take action as directed by the color and level of the Rays of Light.

44. CLEAR LIGHT: Over All Rainbow Bridges the Clear Light releases the all seeing Power of God in the Rays to take action as directed by the color and level of the Rays of Light.

45. PURE CONSCIOUSNESS: Over All Rainbow Bridges the Pure Consciousness releases the God Consciousness in the Rays to take action as directed by God's Will and Desire for the Rays of Light.

46. EARTH RAINBOW BRIDGE: From dense dark Browns to the finest light Browns for the Mastery of Material Substances as one practices one can attune to the Mastery in all levels of that RAY. Be careful not to get bound in Material Substances or Possessions.

47. Opalescence RAINBOW BRIDGE: Over all shades and tints of all colors the Pure Consciousness of Mother God releases the Mother God Consciousness in the Rays to take action as directed by God's Wisdom, Truth and Love for the Rays of Light to the Child of God.

48. The Esoteric Rainbow Bridge: The Esoteric Rainbow Bridge is an inner light bridge to go from plane to plane in the inner consciousness. One must be an initiate to use the inner light Bridges.
Blue Rose - Yellow - Orange - Pink - Green - Violet - White & Scarlet - Pure Consciousness - Still Light - One with GOD - Beyond Light

49. RAINBOW BRIDGE - (P): This is the Basic Bridge in the Planetary Logo. When one uses this Bridge on the Inner Planes they can tap into each level of the Human Mind. This can be done in an Individual's Mind, a group Mind or the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.
Red - Orange - Yellow - Green - Blue - Indigo - Violet - Gold - White - Pure Consciousness - Still Light - One with GOD

50. RAINBOW BRIDGE - (S): This is the Solar System Bridge in the Solar Logo. When one uses this Bridge on the Inner Planes they can tap into each level of the Cosmic Mind. This can be done in an Individual Mind of a Master, Saint , Holy Being, Spirits, Angelic Beings, Cosmic Beings or the Group Mind of a Spiritual, Esoteric, Religious or Mystical Lineage or the Collective Consciousness of Cosmic Beingness limited to Time and Space. Use the Colored Rays with Crystal over them.
Blue - Gold - Pink - White - Green - Golden Ruby - Violet - Gold - White - Pure Consciousness - Still Light - One with GOD.